Friday, November 23, 2007

Manchester Day 2: Thanksgiving

I'm a day behind in my day by day blog of home. Whatever, it's the internet I can do what I want.

So Thanksgiving is a great holiday, really spectacular stuff. However, it isn't without its shit stains. SO, I give you the pros and cons of Thanksgiving:

-Food: This is something that great increases in value the second you leave for college. No matter what, Thanksgiving will always be a massive bright spot for your taste buds that have been drenched by beer and easy mac for the past few months.

-Football: Football? On a Thursday? Yes please!

-Family: Its good to see some family sometimes. Some of them have some valuable things to say.

-Family: But many of them have garbage things to say. I swear some of my relatives say things just to sound really ignorant. Here are a few examples. After I mentioned the writers strike I received the following comments. "They just want a vacation". Of course uncle Einstein, because writers are making so much fucking cash that they can just stop working. "No one really cares about TV anyway, I can always watch reruns.". Thanks aunt. Call me when Gilligan's Island gets old. I went on to explain why the writers were striking. Like usual they just smiled at me with that "Oh, how cute, the youngest in the family has an opinion" look. Fuck. I'm 20 years old dammit, but to them I'm perpetually 12. Then there was some other shit about how global warming is a hoax and how California should be banned from the union for being 'treehuggers'. I bit my tongue knowing that unleashing knowledge on these poor souls could possibly harm them.

-Football: Cowboys? Lions?... weak

-Food: Naw, just kidding. Shit is delicious!

So there you have it. Just one of the many holidays we celebrate over something that didn't happen in the first place (also Christmas, Easter, and Columbus Day).

1 comment:

jhyde said...

hope you had a happy native american day of mourning.

are your relatives also the board of trustees for the nra?