So I'm in that same torturous class aka Critical Listening... curr

ently we're listening to the Boss aka Bruce Springsteen aka American Pimp aka Barak Obama 2000. Seriously... the Boss. This is the third four hour class i've been to and I still have very little idea as to what is going on. My sights keep lowering on the goal grade. We're somewhere between C and passing right now. If I get anything higher then that, then it would be quite butter. Showed up mad blizzy today and was treated by listening to this crazy 20 minute soundscape thing. Word. I fell asleep due to its hypnosis.
Duel wielding Matt birthdays this week has led to a massive birthday bash tomorrow. 9 Fulk is throwing its first theme party, and the lucky choice is white trash... because the Matt's are mad trashy. Come and drink beers and do things you wouldn't do with your boring friends or family. Or bring those boring fuckers, I don't care.

So last night Murray and I went down to East Coast Grille to have a few beers and wish Dougal a happy on the job birthday. We downed a few brews and bought a six pack of PBR tallies for the kitchen. There was mutch rejoicing. We were then punked by the kitchen when they gave us some 'mild' wings on the house. They turned out to be hell wings, which Murray and I attempted to finish just to spite them. Beer became an even better friend, as Murray and I stayed after they closed (they literally took the handle off the door so no one else could get in, just us and the crew). It's good to be down with the crew at a local restaurant (especially a gnarly one like ECG). Happy Birthday Dougal later showed up back home completely trash-headed, apparently he was so wasted that his boss gave him a ride home stating that Dougal was 'too drunk to walk'. Haha, good looks. Hopefully young Murray will follow suit. Always good to mess with the drunk birthday lads.
I want to start reading more, but I seem to have a 3/4 completion problem. It happens with video games too. I'll get almost to the end and then I lose interest and just form my own ending. Maybe it's the writer in me wanting to create rather then to have it spelled out for me. Eh, whatever. I tried to start the Watchmen philosophy book today but I couldn't get my brain in there, too dense.
so solid.
interesting book-finishing phenomenon. i've been reading an incomplete and inaccurate history of sport by kenny mayne, as well as trebekistan by bob harris
that class sounds pretty interesting roy, soundscape lulling you to dreams.
i was surprised when i went to a party and saw basketball players being ostricized due to their height. towering above the masses.
i almost felt bad. i didn't though.
haha torture tag. yeah i like the phenomenon too. haha freedman. we stole joe trapani from you vermonters. thanks mark!
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