Superbowl happened yesterday. Pretty meh until the last four minutes. Then things got a bit nutty, but in the end Pittsburgh ruled the day. Questionable call with the Warner fumble? Perhaps. Would it have made a difference? Most likely not. Always next year. Some solid commercials, but I'm really amped over the trailers that were shown. G.I Joe, new Transformers, Up, Monsters vs. Aliens, etc. While some of those sound pretty lames I'm still amped to see them.

(Bryan Roy and his bevy of casino whores)
I went to Connecticut this past weekend with a bunch of Manchester heads. Friday night was gambling at Mohegan Sun. I ended up +18 after several hours of craps. Great game that gets even better when the table gets amped. "C'MON SHOOTER! C'MON SHOOTER! LET'S SEE THAT HARD TEN!". Word. I was down a good 40 bucks at one point but one of my boys rolled some fire and hooked me up, leading me to a 70 dollar gain over two rolls. Baller.

(Toad's Place: not pictured, the drunken messes inside)
Saturday we went to this club called Toad's. I had only heard myths about Toad's, and it has garnered a somewhat legendary status. Basically it is this huge, multi-storied dance club that is in the middle of Yale, Quinnipiac, and Southern Conn. campuses. Add in the fact that it is near long island, and I think you get the idea. Many new haircuts, many slutty sluts. Anyway, the idea is to get really fucked up beforehand, then just dance and be ridiculous. This may or may not have happened to me. For you see, the last thing I can recall is handing the bouncer my ID, then ordering a drink my friend had mad with the bartender called 'The Goatskin'. Apparently at one point I got stuck outside, possibly on the roof. I also flipped off a girl, who came over and started to yell at me. According to eye witnesses, I then cracked a joke as the chick yelled at me, defusing her anger. From here I guess I made moves. Drunk game FTW! Long story short, I ended up getting kicked out of the club (collectively our crew had four members get kicked out). The details still need to be ironed out, which is tough considering there were very few conscious witnesses to what happened inside Toad's. Most notably I would like to know why my left leg has been all fucked up since... good times.
dude so solid, gambling clubs and B's, haha love the labels for this post too
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