1) It had snowed, thus canceling school. Nothing better then a bonafied snow day. Snow day schedual:
6.30am - awaken, no school, double check the web to see that it was Manchester and not Mansfield. sleep.
11:45 - awaken again. catch end of Price is Right. Scoff at moron's bid. Lucky Charms.
12:14 - give up on day time TV. Watch sports center replay 10 times. Nice dunk by Lebron. Crush Warcraft III.
3:31 - do homework that was due today. Gloat that you 'made the right call' about the storm.
4:00 - give up on homework.
4:01 - sledding. sustain injury. return to crush hot chocolate
6:30 - shovel driveway furiously before Dad returns.
6:32 - Dad returns.
6:45 - finish shoveling driveway.
7:00 - dinner
7:30 - chill
10 - bed
However, snow was only seasonal, thus I could not wish for snow every night.
*forgot this list was originally about something else*
2) The school had burned down. Every morning when I heard sirens outside I would immediately hope that the school was on fire, that no one had been hurt, and I could go back to bed.
3) The was a magic lamp sitting on my bedroom floor. Obvious choice.
4) I had super powers. More obvious choice.
5) That Santa had read his calendar wrong (rare).
Honestly I lost a lot of steam after the whole snow day schedule thing. So I apologize for the burnout.
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People should read this.
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