- Camaraderie - Like mentioned earlier, snow brings people together. It forces people to interact. There is no where to go, so you kind of have to play board games, and promptly lose Monopoly to me.
- Excuses - Snow is the ultimate excuse for being late... or not going at all period. Seriously, I walk to the train, and then take the train, two things that aren't effected by snow. So realistically I shouldn't be any later then normal. However, I've definitely busted nuts on this excuse several times this year, and in high school.
- Battles - Good snow drives wedges between people. Not evil wedges, but wedges that require bases to be constructed and orbs of ice to be formed. Shit gets crazy. You have to be eternally aware of what's going on. At any time someone could snatch your grill and white wash your dumb ass. Good times.
- Idiots - Snow makes people retarded. I realized this after what happened on Monday. How can people forget how snow fucks shit up? We live in New England, snow town USA. Shit happens here. Fucking Nor'Easters are named after this shit. Yet fools forget, and motherfuckers drive like fools.
- Transit - The T. Nuff said.
- Invisible Puddles - Beware. Next to sidewalks these beasts lurk. They look like pavement, but really they're a half frozen ice drink that is... A TRAP! I had to jump over a few earlier this week whilst dodging traffic (good thing I have a high agility score, reflex saves FTW!).
Bassheadz be blasting,
My body be fasting,
I need some food now,
Gotta gets me some chow
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