Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Movie Recap 2010
(Note: This isn't in any kind of order, at all, so back off man)
- Black Swan
If you had told me I would ever see a movie that revolves around the world of ballet I would've probably called you an idiot. If you said I would've seen that movie and really liked it, I would've called you a liar, and possibly pointed out that your pants were on fire. This one is still making its way out there, so I don't want to spoil anything. The trailers have no idea how to spin this one, but I can spin it for them. Go see this.
- Inception
This movie squeezed my mind grapes of every last ounce of sweet thinking juice they had. A movie about dreams that made me feel as though I was dreaming. If you haven't seen this one yet, you've fucked up, pain and simple. Dear Chris Nolan, when you and your bro are ready to pass on your magic writing dust, I'll be more than willing to take it off your hands.
- Enter the Void
There is probably a 97% chance you haven't seen this movie. An erratic and challenging piece about life and love, shook me all the way down to the black stuff in my guts. One of the few movies I've ever seen where I had to look away from the screen. Visceral is an understatement. After viewing, it was like a worm had been planted in my brain and for a good week or so I couldn't shake it. Not for everyone, probably not 'FOR' anyone.
- Toy Story 3
This was like Enter the Void on PCP. But seriously folks, if you didn't see this one or have no emotional response to your childhood memories getting tossed into an incinerator, then stop reading this blog because youre just a shit human being.
- The Town
This movie was a huge Boston bonah. Kid, this movie was wicked sick and shit. Again, but seriously, this movie was a pretty solid c+/b-. Having an attachment to Boston definitely boosted this one. Its no Gone Baby Gone, but it was still a fun ride. Blake Lively (who?) killed it.
- Due Date
More like meh date. Zach Galifinakis shot par for his usual humor course, and RDJr was slickity slick like Tony Stark, but overall this just didn't have the humorous punch of Old School or even The Hangover (other Tod Phillips ventures for all you non cinemaphiles out there.)
- Social Network
A movie about facebook without having to look at your pregnant friends or people making shitty decisions (or both?). Jesse Eisenberg hit a fucking home run as the facebook founder. Would've been a shoe-in for best actor is 127 Hours hadn't come out this year. Still a great flick, but why wouldn't it be with the writer director combo equivalent of World's Finest (google that if you don't know it, I'm too lazy to explain my nerd lingo).
- Scott Pilgrim vs The World
You didn't see this movie, and you have fucked up. Absolve your sins by buying the blu-ray. Seriously.
- The Expendables
I found it funny that the main characters all wore lots of leather, while being quite leathery themselves. Watch a pack of old catcher's mits blow shit up and shoot things for an hour and a half. It'll make you feel American again. Terry Crews has the best line of the movie.
- 127 Hours
No zombies, no bollywood, and no sunshine, this Danny Boyle flick is still a winner and a half. Jimmy Franco drops an atomic bomb of drama as the camera probes his pain stricken face for a good hour. I knew what was going to happen, didn't matter. Go and see this, even my Mom liked it.
- Iron Man 2
I don't remember anything about this movie other than the fact that the screening I went to had two special guests. Some no names calling themselves Robert Downey Jr. and Jon Favreau
- Kick Ass
Good fun. If anything a good way to get new, fresh, bodies into the local comic shop. Most kills by a 9 year old I've ever seen on film. Nick Cage is classy as a top hat.
- Shutter Island
This movie was very c+.
- Predators
This movie was SUPRISINGLY C+
- Alice in Wonderland (3D)
Headache city. I wanted to leave this movie. Made me feel like throwing up.
- Robin Hood
Seen Braveheart? Seen Gladiator? Know who Robin Hood is? There you go. You just saw Robin Hood.
- Hot Tub Time Machine
Some good laughs. 80s parody overload.
I think that's it. If you want to know more of my opinions on any movie, I could probably tell you in person. For real. On commission.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Christmas Spirit of Vengeance
I bet when you read that you totally had a euro trash terrorist accent in your head. That, my friends is what we call a Christmas miracle. Much like the hit single 'Miracles' by the prolific Insane Clown Posse, Christmas Miracles are everywhere and scientists don't know shit about them. Seriously, magic is just stronger at Christmas. Like I mentioned, scientists are completely baffled by this (and magnets). However, I believe I have found the source of all this X-Mass mysticism, the one and only Santa Claus. I mean, for Christs sake (get it, Christ? Christmas? lololol) Santa is a goddamn wizard, actually more like a druid... pretty sure he's an elf and or a giant dwarf. Cross class druid/wizard elf/dwarf hrybrid? Would explain the unreal agility and resistance to cold. Don't believe me? Let's do a quick wizard comparison here.
Gandalf: Arguably the most legit Wizard, ever.
- White Beard: check
- Multiple Aliases: check ( Mithrandir, Greyhame, Stormcrow, Olórin, Incánus, Tharkûn)
- Has a way with animals (giant eagles, moths): check
- Owns a glorious steed: check (Shadowfax)
- Hangs out with elves, but they are totally his bitch: check
- Has magic powers: check (killed Balrog, essentially saved Middle Earth)
- Knows how to party: check check check x10000
Santa: Arguably the most legit fat man
- White Beard: check (hell, even impostors sport the white beard)
- Multiple Aliases: check (Father Christmas, Papa Noel, Santa Clause, Chimney John)
- Has a way with animals: check (he can make them fucking fly)
- Owns a glorious steed: check (Rudolph)
- Hangs with elves, but they are totally his bitch: check (ho,ho,ho now I need 3000 silly bands by sundown)
- Has magic powers: check (time manipulation, the everseeing eye of agamotto, size manipulation, cheer generation)
- Knows how to party: check (Santa was the first man on Earth to put booze in his nog. truth)
I mean, I'm no wikileaks here people but the proof is in the Christmas pudding. Either Santa is a wizard, or he's a fictional character created to bring cheer to those unlucky enough to live where it get below the freezing point.
Regardless, hohoho I have a machine gun. Go watch Die Hard, it's my favorite Christmas movie.
Monday, October 18, 2010
So the knowledge I'm going to drop in this blog is all about the magic of costume making. Ever since I was a young lad, I'd always make my own costumes. Whether this meant getting things from Good Will or having Ma stitch something together, my costumes were rarely, if ever store bought. Don't be lazy and unoriginal so get on the DIY train and do that shit yourself. Here some tip-a-roos:
1) Don't go for store bought costumes: Why? Well first off, they suck. They look cheap, are made of cheap material, and often smell like old rubber. Whenever I see someone with one of those cheesy store bought costumes, a part of my soul dies. The old argument is that it's cheaper. Really? Paying 40+ dollars for a pile of shit is cheaper than putting together an original piece with things form Good Will? Doubt it. Seriously, if I had a nickle for every shitty store bought Mad Hatter costume Im going to see this year, I'd have like... 3 dollars. But seriously.
2) You're more creative than you think. Use your head a little. Good costumes just don't happen over night. Think about what you like, what suits you, or what makes you laugh. Now look around the house, in your closest, garage, torture dungeon, and put start putting things together. You'll be surprised at what interesting treasures you'll find. Imagination is key. Turn trash and junk into something fun... fuck did I just type that?
Before |
After |
3) Keep it simple, dummy. Obviously not everyone has the know-how, or cash, for a perfect Iron Man armor replica costume. Stick to what your know. Maybe you aren't comfortable using power tools, alright use a glue gun. Maybe the sewing kit isn't for you, use tape or velcro. If the costume is simple, you can hit a grand slam with minimal effort. Example: John McClain from Die Hard. Easy costume that with minimal effort can look great!
![]() |
Yippi-Ki-Yay |
So don't be a Halloweenie this year and get yourself a great custom costume!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Oil Change
I bought some incense. It was apple scented. The sales woman said, "Oh, apple. Very fresh." To which I replied, "Yeah, fresh". It was a good time.
I the fled the mall and stumbled my way down San Fernando. I came across this book store, which ironically is called ''something'' movie, or something like that. In reality they had like 200 VHS tapes and approximately 500,000 books, give or take 1,000,000,000 books. This place was like something out of a Harry Potter movie. I expected to see some floating books or some shit. The book keeper was a stout little troll, sifting through a massive stack of sci-fi and mystery paper backs. He grunted something at me and I scurried into the nearby aisle. This place would give Storm a heart attack. I mean serious claustrophobia. Bookifobia is more like it. The stacks were well over my head and arranged in narrow rows. I found a book of Leonard Nemoy's poetry, but couldn't justify coughing up 20 bones haha. The growing smell of musty old books eventually repelled me from the tomes.
With no call from the oil monger, I decided to grab an ice cream from Foster's Freeze. This place is like a bizarro world Dairy Queen. Like something that would be a hang out for a TV show. Is this place just a West Coast thing? Anyway I order the 'Cherry and Brownie Twister aka blizzard'. Looking back it's quite a girly flavor. It also kind of sounds like a Tyler Perry movie. Tyler Perry presents: "Brownie and Cherry"... kind of forgot the punch line for that one... use your imagination.
So I crush that, but it ended up being too much. Gives me more respect for that man vs food guy. He must go through some serious shit... and some serious SHITS *Heyyooooo*. I chucked a good quarter of it and strolled back to the mechanic. Car wasn't ready yet, but whatever. The office/waiting room had a tv playing Inside Edition. This is some serious Paul Verhoeven shit. Stories about people falling off cliffs next to stories about some hooker claiming her son is a Tiger Woods love baby. Then every commercial has some crazy jingle, or stupid dance. Powerful stuff.
Whatever got the oil changed. Mission accomplished.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Seeing a human muppet is not that uncommon. As the definition states it is typically brought on by old age, and old muppets are everywhere. On the bus, crossing the street, trying to buy things, staring at electronics with googly-eyed bewilderment. Literally, old human muppets are everywhere. However, it is quite rare to catch a human muppet at earlier stages in its life. What I'm about to present to you all, is some rare footage of one of the youngest human muppets discovered in the wild. Without further ado, I present to you the Crazy Dummer, of the Animal family of human muppets:
Exhibit A (totally safe for work)
Exhibit B (also totally safe for work)
NOTE: How lame are his bandmates? The Allnighters? More like the All-lamos. Do they even know what's going on behind them?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Totally Badass
1) Hans Gruber
2) Xenia Onatop
3) Boba Fett
4) Lex Luthor
5) Bowser
1) Biff Tannen
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Time Bandits
1) Marty McFly
2) Booster Gold
3) Homer Simpson
4) George Taylor
5) The Terminator
The One That Sucks
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
(Blogger's Note: The Doctor was not included due to the fact that he travels through dimensions AS WELL AS time. Not the same thing. At all.)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Barrel Scraping
So I bet you thought I would abandon this idea like I have so many other blogolicious ideas that I've schemed up in the past years. But alas, here is volume 2 of 5ttaaa1ts!
So to get more to the theme of this blog, and I guess more to the theme of my life, I've decided to make this entry extra nerdy. You've all heard of the Joker and Mr. Freeze, but Batman has a buttload of villains. Literally, Arkham Asylum exist because there are so many bat-shit (get it?) crazy mothers in Gotham who think they can take on the Bat. Now when Batman's usual, A-List rogues gallery contains a homicidal clown, a man who looks like a flightless bird, a pile of clay, and a burn victim, you can only imagine what his lesser known baddies are like. So, here is a look at some of the lamest (aka most bad-a) Bat Villains:
1) Ventriloquist
Like most supervillains/heroes, Arnold Wesker wasn't gonna try and pull any punches with his code name. He literally is a ventriloquist, you know, the guys with the dummies who pretty much died out with vaudeville? (minus the deplorable Jeff Dunham... blech). Anyhoo, so this dude, like many other Bat Baddies doesn't have any super powers other than being completely insane. Arnold Wesker, a human, takes his orders from a higher power aka Scarface his puppet. Now Scarface isn't some Howdy Doody rip off, he's arguable a pretty gnarly puppet... if puppets can be gnarly. He's like a 30s gangster complete wit tommygun, but without all the human parts. So this guy fights Batman with a puppet... that would be like me trying fight Tyson with only a pool noodle.
2) Cluemaster
First off, this guy's name is dumb as shit. If I was going to get my ass pounded in by Bruce Wayne I might at least try and sound cool while doing it. How about a name like 'Mystery' and 'Brainmelter'? Cluemaster sounds like a goddamn villain from Archie. Dorky name aside, this guy is badass for one sole reason (two if you count the fact he was once a game show host), HE LEAVES CLUES FOR BATMAN! What the Hell? Does he realize that Batman is known as (beyond the Dark Knight and Bruce Wayne) as the world's greatest detective? He doesn't need clues! Batman could solve a crime faster than the CSI team using only his nose and a magnifying glass. Giving him clues is like letting Albert Pujols use a tee when batting. Hell, at least Riddler flexes his brain a little and gives Bats a tricky riddle to solve. Nope. Not Cluemaster. Also, his daughter was Batman's sidekick for a while. That really bites.
3) Captain Stingaree
None of you have heard of this guy. If you have, than may God have mercy on your sole. Or you're a huge Batman fan/giant nerd/Bryan Roy. But this guy is really lame. So lame he goes all the way around the cool/lame spectrum back to being cool. He's kind of like a pirate, but not a badass yar-har pirate, more of a Pirate of Penzance type pirate. He's quite foppish indeed. Now he's also pretty nutty because all he brings to the table is some halfway decent fencing skills. Seriously? Fencing? How gay can this guy get? Oh yeah, he actually is gay... with another dude who is literally the same character called the Cavalier. So hell yeah for LGBT comic characters! But Booo to lame pirates. Also, what the fuck is a stingaree and how does one become a captain of it?

Wolverines are scary. Spiders are scary. Bats are scary. Moths... are really lame. This dude is lame on all accounts. His name is lame. His motivation is lame (he read about Batman and wanted to be the anti Batman... really for no reason). Lastly his weapons are really lame. His primary form of offense comes from his Cocoon Gun. Seriously. As wikipedia puts it, a gun that "fires a stream of sticky threads". STICKY THREADS? Christ, at least Spider-Man has the decency to call his stuff 'webbing'. Killer Moth might as well call it his jizz-gun to avoid confusion. Needless to say, Batman beat this guys face in for decades. This eventually forced him to sell his soul to a demon (now I'm paraphrasing here) to become a literally, man sized, Killer Moth... fuck that's lame.

5) Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee
Yeah. Just look at these poor bastards. Their only 'power' is that their fat allows them to bounce? WTF? When is the last time you saw a fat person bounce? Isn't that like the opposite of being fat? Jesus Christ these guys must be fucking twisted if they can fight Batman simply by being fat... well, my hats off to them! Huzzah, keep on bouncin' you crazy fat Lewis Carol characters!

1) Man-Bat
Maybe not a D-Lister, but certainly not an A. Man-Bat is super fucking lame do to sheer unoriginality. He literally saw Batman, and reversed his name. Look how clever I am! He also comes from the whole, 'scientist who fucks up and becomes all weird and angry' pool of villains that seem to litter super hero books. Seriously if you are a scientist in the Marvel or DC universe there is at least an 80% chance you will A) Be hideously scarred and start a career of crime or B) Gain some super fresh powers and battle the other scientists who have gone all cuckoo. Man-Bat, half man, half bat. He is no one's friend.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Fruity Pebbles
Today's Episode: Fruit
Now I really like fruit, a lot. It's hard not to like fruit. Someone the other day told me that they didn't like fruit. WHAT?! How can someone discredit an entire piece of the food pyramid? There are so many different fruits out there, and saying you don't like them all is just straight up fruitist. Anyway, those people who don't like fruit are crazy and wrong. For all ya'll who don't hate on my seeded brethren. Here's 5 fruits that are awesome (and 1 that sucks).
1) Strawberry: There is a reason why strawberries are involved with satin sheets and candlelight. It's because they're a fuckin' sexy fruit. Cover them in chocolate and watch the panties drop. Sweet, bite sized little piece of red gold. Whoever ate the first strawberry probably ended up being the tribe leader, because when he brought that shit back to camp everyone probably went ape shit. Name me one berry that is better. Blackberries are close, raspberries are gay, and blueberries are better in pie/muffin form. Fact: Strawberries are the best berry.

3) Bananas: Some guys don't like bananas because of their phallic nature. Well I think that's quite gay of them. Literally I suppose. Combine these guys with strawberries and you have the original fruit combo flavor (also my favorite yogurt flave). Bananas are an awesome fruit because they are unlike any other fruit around. Opening a banana isn't a hassle like the aforementioned watermelon or even an orange. You just tear that baby open like a Christmas present and feast upon its pale shaft of potassium. Alright... maybe a little gay.
4) Tomatoes: Ha. Scientific curve ball mother fuckers!! Have you had a sandwich with a tomato? Now try it without. LAME! Tomatoes also make ketchup, tomato sauce, tomato juice (eh?). I'm growing six plants of these bad boys in my backyard right now. WHO WANTS A TAMATAH!?
5) Cherries: A bit underrated, but a good sack full of cherries is most pleasing to my tasting buds. Cherries are often pigeon holed into the condiment group thanks to ice cream and their evil cousin the maraschino cherry. The real deal cherries are the tits. Not to mention the fact that there is a firework named after them. Cherry also happens to be one of the best candy flavors also known as red. Plus, like sunflower seeds, they come with that added bonus of being able to spit something out after consumption and not look like a jerk doing so. Pitooie! Now bring me a goblet full of cherries!
Now for the one that sucks:
1) Durian: Humans are blessed with a sense of smell that usually lets us know things our other senses fail to. Such as if something is rotten or dying or garbage. Typically fruits have a smell like a flower or something. In fact many fruits are often used for scratch and sniff stickers or air fresheners or whatever. Not the durian. This little monster found in South East Asia smells like a baby threw-up on some dying fish that at one point had eaten dirty socks. Whoof. These things smell so bad, you can't bring them into public places in Singapore (the subway, cabs, parks, elevators, hotels, etc.). You literally have to eat them on the spot, or rush them home. Not to mention the fact that the actual fruit, which looks like a brain, is trapped inside a massive spike laden orb. To actually get to the fruit you have to take a machete to the thing like its a zombie head. The fruit itself taste like a thick, putrid custard... thing. I really don't know how to describe it. Oh yeah, it also raises your blood pressure and makes you sweat. As if smelling like shit and being covered in spikes wasn't enough to get you to not eat this damn thing. If you find one, try it... but don't say I didn't warn you.

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Oscar the Grouch
Monday, January 11, 2010
Free Sample
“Tell me a story”
A phrase that I heard on more than a daily basis, but the first time I had heard it come from my niece’s mouth. The first words she had said to me beyond the initial, shy hello. Five years ago my sister consummated her marriage to a guy I have barely met with an event that I would rather not ponder about. This aforementioned unmentionable event would lead to a niece I had never met until today. With the way information traveled these days, via video messages and megapixel photos I feel like I’ve been there since her first step. In reality I’ve been 3000 miles away.
“Mommy says that you’re a story teller”
True, by definition I did tell stories. At least I liked to think that my assortments of words on pages could be taken as stories. In reality I told stiffs in suits words like ‘high concept’ and ‘franchise’ so I could then turn out a hackneyed retelling of one of 100 stories. All so I could line my pockets with more unnecessary paper. You want talking monkeys who sell real estate? Got it. A love story between *gasp* two women, with a twist that one is really *OMG* a man? Sure, I can do that. Some say that what I’m doing is called living the dream. I call it purgatory with a six figure salary. I eagerly await the day when I can actually tell my own stories, so why not practice with a willing and eager audience.
“Okay,” I said, pushing the flimsy plastic straw through the tiny foil hole, as though I was drilling for apple juice, “But don’t you want to, uh, play or something?”
It wasn’t that I didn’t want to tell a story to this little human who happened to share a fraction of my genetics, it’s just that at the moment my mind grapes had been thoroughly squeezed. My brain was filled with stats for a Playboy article regarding the swingers scene in L.A. Meanwhile I was redrafting some sort of shit motorcycle street racing p.o.s. for Paramount. Apparently the kids were all about racing their motorbikes these days, who knew? Not exactly material appropriate for a five uear old. Plus I was perfectly content at ogling the myriad of MILFs who littered the area. Sufficient payment for an afternoon of babysitting while the parental units did the typical sightseeing.
“Play? You mean like swing and stuff? That’s for kids.” Five years old and she was already too old for something.
“Sure, swing, slide, you tell me. You know it’s been a while since I’ve been five,” I said, sliding the juice box across the table like some sort of kiddy bartender, “You’re never too old to have fun ya’know.”
Her soft blue eyes flitted across the playground with a general look of disinterest. How dare this little scamp stick her nose up at this place, it was like the Fischer Price version of Vegas. Hell, if it wasn’t likely to get me tossed onto some sex offender list or more likely into the hospital I’d be swinging across monkey bars and barreling through those plastic tunnels like a mad man. But to each their own.
“Alright then, a story it is,” I said with a theatrical clearing of my throat, “Any requests?”
There were none, so I began to spout off a rather tired concept about a little girl having to go on an adventure. A rare fairy tale about a lass of peasantly status rescuing a trapped prince. A perfect package with equal parts magic and prince and heroine hand-holding. Little girls still liked this crap right? I could tell by the way her young face began to crinkle like an old hag that my assumptions were grossly incorrect. There was an almost immediate interjection.
“Is this story about a girl just because I’M a girl?”
Yikes. This pleasant afternoon in the park was quickly turning into the pitch meeting from hell. That familiar feeling of stomach unbalance that usually led to quick-toed thinking began to creep up my spine.
“Well-” I tried to explain myself
“I’m five and three quarters you know, I’m not a baby. So don’t treat me like one.”
Sweet zombie Jesus! This young one had some sass, certainly a trait bestowed upon her by my sister and one I had nearly 20 years of experience dealing with. Perhaps this wasn’t my niece at all, and simply a plant from one of the studios, trying to pick my brain for free… bastards. Or maybe I was on some sort of reality, hidden camera, Running Man type program. No, I’m not that lucky to be treated with instant, undeserved celebrity. Like usual, my mind had drifted off course like an untethered dingy. Back to the firing squad.
“I figured I’d test you, see what you were made of.” I laid out the mental challenge, knowing that few cocky youngsters could resist its bait, “Obviously you’re a bit sharper than I though. Bet your Mommy and Daddy are proud of that.”
“Sure,” she said looking at the ground. Her attention momentarily diverted by a few skittering ants, “But why is the main character a girl?”
The same afternoon sun that was turning her East Coast eyes into slits was now burning on my back. This, amongst a long list of other reasons, was why I chose not to procreate. The Questions.
“Since you’re obviously above the whole princess saves the day type thing, I’ll give you something a bit more adult”
I could almost hear her perk up at the words. Nothing glowed more brightly for a youngster then the promise of seeing or hearing something ‘more adult’. But now I had worked my way into the ropes against a kid. Sure I had an infinite amount of stories that were adult, but nothing nearly appropriate for my Mom, let alone my five year old niece. As a failsafe I’d have to preface this with a phrase commonly uttered by uncles at family parties and fathers on fishing trips.
“Yeah, just don’t tell your mother about this. ”