Interesting day for New England sports. Interesting because there was a lot of ancillary news that didn't directly effect New England sports nation (well one of them did). First off, Young Blood Joshy McD is headed to the mile high city to coach the Bronc-hoes. He will fail. As much as I like the guy, no apprentice to the master has succeeded on their own. Romeo went to the Browns and flushed the franchise down the toilet... like... well... a Cleveland brown. Weis fucked up at ND, and Mangina is just a bitch, so fuck him. We'll see how that goes.

(Power Mustache)
Next up, a pair of Sox waltzed into Cooperstown today. Career Boston player, and all around good guy, Jim Rice snuck in there. Good for him. Also, Ricky Henderson stole his way into the hall (get it? hahaha crappy SPORTS humor). Ricky is going to be the only player to re-enter the league after getting into the hall of fame. Mark my words.
(Ricky Henderson celebrates after stealing home during his son's little league game)
Let's go Celts, c'mon now. Anyone want to hit up a C's game later this week and or next week?
hah from my bro's blog i guess celts havent lost a game scal's started
I'm back.
"here they come, down the stretch...roy's fading! he's fading! murray hyde freedman and hyde all pull ahead! roy's fading going into the back stretch!"
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