Snow has fallen. I awoke this morning and was immediately conscripted into shoveling duty. Not something I particularly mind, but is was really quite cold this morning, frost on the whiskers type stuff. As Commander Roy scraped the snow off the roof, I was put in charge of the driveway. Reinforcements appeared in the form of Colonel White and his snow blowing machine.
(Thor expresses his love for Winter)
Shoveling gives me time to think. I was thinking about. how low the quality of life in New England has gotten. When I left in the summer to go to LA things were high. The economy had yet to plummet, the Pats were looking at burning down the NFL, the Celtics had just recently hung their 17th, and the Sox were going to coast into the playoffs... kind of. Now, the Celts are slumping almost as bad as the economy (although at half they are ahead of the Canadian Dinos), the Pats missed the playoffs, and the Yankees are fortifying themselves with the biggest pocket book in history. WTF. I suppose thats all I can say is WTF. All that remains constant is that I still dominate the Manchester clix scene.
Have I ranted in a while? I suppose not. hmmmm, what's pissing me off these days.... The whole club scene kind of grinds my gears. I hate going to clubs/bars where they play music too loud. perhaps that makes me sound a bit cantankerous, but it's true. My hearing isn't the best, and I don't typically raise my voice... like ever, so to me this sucks. I would rather be able to converse over a nice pint (ala the Atwood's scene without the live music). I also hate the whole meat market aspect of the club/bar. 90% of the people at these places I immediately dislike. Maybe it's just me passing judgement, but all the dudes come off as douches and all the chicks come off as petty slags. Also, paying 5-7 dollars for something that I could get for literally pennies sucks.
(Exhibit a: a pack of wild guidos prepare for multiple insertions)
(exhibit b: seriously?)

(exhibit c: smirking goblin entices a couple slags with his exposed chest.)
Just not my scene, nothing against the people who like it... well people kind of. I would consider myself a party man (someone who enjoys parties, not to be confused with a party animal). This kind of scares me however. parties exist post college? If so how far? I really lost my train of thought with this rant, so ask me in person about it, I'll probably have some more fire power.