Like every good video game, life is full of boss battles. You can't save the princess without sending a few Bowzers into the lava if you know what I mean. Over my 21 years I've slayed my fair share of bosses (Andross, Gannondorf, the Death Star, etc. etc.). In the real world I've also faced my fair share of boss battles. School has boss battles, we call them exams, finals, etc. There are also those random boss battles that come out of nowhere, but you can always count on them. At my internship with only a few days left they gave me this monstrous task. I had to call everyone in my bosses blackberry and get their email adress if he didn't have it. This ended up being like 100+ people, probably more. I did get to call some famous people (and/or their assistant) like Neil Gaiman and Robert Kirkman (wiki them and you'll undestand my ampedness). Boss Battle if I ever saw one.
So think about boss battles. Not only will you find out I'm right, you'll be ready. And trust me, once you get to level 7 you'll thank me.
On an unrelated note: Bruins are good, Celtics are really good, Pats will make the playoffs, and I'll be back on the East Coast in approx 30 hours. 

Also, here's a picture of House. I hate that fucking show.
1 comment:
haha, funny pic, great blog, gaiman's the man, read his collection of short stories 'smoke and mirrors' for my english class this past term, looking forward to other similar entries, how did mario kart and gta make you better at driving? played beeriokart last night
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