Anyway, my physical controls are all befuddled. This is due to the fact that it is statistically fall (hence world series, Halloween, football, etc.) yet the weather is summer (it was in the 90's every day this week). I suppose that's what you get for living in the desert.
Traffic here is crappy, just like you read about. It isn't always crappy though. It's an unpredictable slopfest. I blame this on the fact that Los Angeleans don't use directionals. Also because there are no sidewalks, no public transportation, and no one carpools (except for me, Roy 1 LA 0). I kind of hate this place (Roy 1 LA -1)
I mentioned the Celtics today and got negative vibage in return. I forgot where I was.... Laker town. Fuck that shit. NBA next week. Sweet. Can't wait to get back home and have games be on at regular times.
Shot a podcast for the Henson yesterday. Weird to shoot things when puppets are involved. Learned about how the lot is mad haunted by ghosts, including that of Charlie Chaplin (used to be his studio).
I thought I had something to write, but I guess I don't. I'll see ya'll in December. There will be a regal feast followed by a jousting match, then we shall consume much mead. Hurrah!

1 comment:
first two celts' games are on national tv
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