10) Writing (I had to write 35 pages of collective screenplays for Wednesday. It was madness. Literally all the humor had been sapped from my body. It was like a comedy hangover. I could only talk in puns, and witty comebacks. A fart would send me over the edge. It was bad, like I was George Castanza or something. I blame writing for that. It falls to the ten hole.)
9) Rock Band (I wanna play the drums so bad. It's scary how I can be motivated to play a fake instrument, but I'm too lazy to learn a real instrument. However its sithly pricetag force blasts me away. 170 for a video game. Lame.)
8) People Losing Gameshows (such an awkward moment for anybody. Watching the contestants try not to swear or cry and the bumbling host trying to act like a middle school counselor and be their best friend. A feel like game show hosts are like Krusty the Klown. Just jerks in real life who would shit on their fans. That's what makes them great.)
7) Movies (Shit's good. I have been on a self induced bad movie stretch and its treating me like heroin. I want it so badly then I take it and end up feeling sick anyway, but then I want more again. I believe its called 'le vicious cycle'? Here are a few of my faves: "Trucks", "Leprechaun 5: Leprechaun in da Hood", Slaughter High, Victory, etc.)
6) Beer (Beer has had to reinvent itself after a long and busy summer in the top slots. Now with winter brews on their way, and the winter break drink fest on the horizon, beer is looking ready for another climb.)
5) Music (My I-pod has come in through with some clutch time. A must have while waiting for the fucking T. I hate seeing 5 govt center and 3 North Station trains come by before a single Lechemere. Weak. But music lets me zone out, and look at people while listening to Dethklok and Catch 22.)
4) Food (Food just came off a stellar Holiday week. And although it tumble a bit post Thanksgiving, the leftovers are still giving it a good boost.)
3) Internet (I can has Internetz?)
2) Chicks (Chicks are not number one? How can this be?! Speaketh he the word of the gay? NAY I say! Unless a chick lets me bang her doggy style in the living room so I can watch Tom Brady, then maybe that would change)
1) Patriots (Tom Brady to Randy Moss! There it is! Its like watching you older cousin punk your entire family at Tecmo Bowl, then proceed to talk about it for the rest of the day, Thanksgiving 1993. Watching the close game with Philly, and them digging in in the fourth, only made me love them more.)
1 comment:
tip of the hat to the picture at the end. as well as number 2.
i love checking your blog and finding a new post. always good for a few things. mostly reading.
my list would have internet number 1 though. just because of how amazing it is really.
not that boobs arent amazing.
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