Saturday, September 27, 2008
Come on Down...
Someone at the weather headquarters is a South Park fan, or at least isn't a total feeg. The last two male names for storms have been Ike and Kyle, the Broflofski brothers! Damn those jews and their storms.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fucking Dolphins. Really these fish heads always have the Pat's number. What made it worse was having to watch it with a Dolphin fan, not just a Dolphin fan, but Jake Long's (aka the first pick of the NFL draft) girlfriend... brutal. At least I got to see the game.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
College don't mean SHIT!
That's a quote from Samuel L. Jackson ladies and gentlemen. Otherwise known as the second most valuable box office actor (out of all the movies he's been in, all of them together are second only to) Harrison Ford. So if you want to make money with your movie either cast a) Harrison Ford b) Sammy L. or c) Vinny Chase, jk. Anyway, Hollywood, I live there now, and I have been absorbed into entertainment culture. As much as I try to ignore that fact, it's true. I go to work, where I read scripts and do coverage (at Jim Henson Company, so there is the occasional puppet battle), thats 4 days a week. The other 1 day I take classes about movies. Then on the week days I come home, and since we have very fucking channel, I watch movies. MOVIES. Also, right now I have the final draft for Inglorious Bastderds (sic). Hollywood baby. Watch out for: Asteroid Man, Part Time, Pass the Buck, and other real deal shit (this shit may not hit the screen ever). INSIDER info. This is where I work:

Also, peep this:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
So I was sitting in class today, watching a movie (because I go to Emerson), and I was thinking. If Dark Knight was shot in the golden age of cinema (50's-60's), who would play the leads? So, here goes:

The Joker: Jack Lemmon

A comedian by nature, Lemmon could easily fill the shoes of the Clown Prince of Crime. His role in Some Like it Hot show that he can take on another persona. His idle chuckling fits with the character, and his face has that constantly creeping smile. Throw on some messy makeup (again, see Some Like it Hot) and this he's a shoe-in.
Harvey Dent/Two Face: Tony Curtis

Lemmon's partner in crime in Some Like it Hot. Tony plays the straight man with the pretty face. Who better to play Gotham's White Knight? His ability to flip from goofy stooge, to serious and stiff jawed shows his potential to be, well, two faced.
Jim Gordon: Gary Cooper

Two words, one movie: High Noon. Gary is one bad ass mother fucker who won't watch his city turn to shit. Sounds like Gotham's finest cop on the force to me. Throw on a mustache, a badge, and good 'ol Gary becomes the Commish.
Rachel Dawes: Grace Kelly

The chick. The tough chick. Kelly's got the chops. Opposite Cooper in High Noon, she hangs tough until she can't anymore. The damsel in distress, who can also stick up for herself. Plus the movie needs a good looking broad.
Lucius Fox: Sindney Poitier

A strong African American actor. Back in the day, there weren't exactly too many of these guys around. Sidney could bring to life Lucius, much in the same way his predecessor Morgan Freedman did. Plus he's, you know, Black.
Alfred Pennyworth: Buster Keaton

Who else could play Bruce's aged, witty, companion and mentor better then Buster. Sure he'd be old, but his years of silent film work would suit him perfectly for the job as Wayne Manor's silent guardian. Give him a few clever jabs every once and a while, and Keaton would run away with the role.
Batman/Bruce Wayne: James Dean

The man, the myth, the legend. The one who passed before his time. Dean has both the youth and maturity to hold up the mantle of the bat. He can play both sassy playboy, as well as serious badass. I mean, Batman pretty much is a rebel (although, with a cause).
Agree? Disagree? Have now idea what I'm talking about? Discuss!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I awoke early this Sunday morning after a typical Saturday night so that I could catch the west coast airing of the Pats. They played the Jets/Fish game instead. Lame.
Brady gets injured. Lame.
Brady out for season. Now I'm tearing up a bit.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Beat LA
After my interview yesterday, Cary Clark swung by and Joe and I joined him on a voyage to Santa Monica beach. Fucking tight, both the beach and seeing my man Cary. Water was nice, perfect temp, unlike the Atlantic. Got a little gummed up by harsh LA traffic on the way back. No biggie, just had to roll with it.
Missed the NFL game due to cable malfunction (the repair man showed up at 8am this morning... thanks). But that was probably for the better since I didn't have to see the Giants dancing around with their unwarrented trophy... those fucks.
Had another interview today at 11.30. This one was with Dark Horse (film division of the comic company). The waiting room was fucking loaded with Dark Horse books, real tight, nearly jizzed. Entered the bosses office, he had a couple copies of FEAR Agent on his desk. Good sign. Interview went alright, didn't kill it as hard as I did Henson... we'll see. Did get to drop some comic knowledge, and the guy reciprocated, which was good. Duties seemed more interny here then at Henson (copies, phones, etc.), and he seemed put off by the fact that I had to return to Boston in the winter and that I hadn't had any office experience. Seriously, I'm a senior in college, I think I can manage making copies and answering phones. Maybe I just read him wrong. We'll see, good to have more options.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Quick update. Interview this morning with Jim Henson Productions. Such a tight place. Imagine an office where map props from sweet movies, along with mad puppets are just chillin. Cool people. Job sounds totally legit. Think I might have a good chance at getting an internship there. When asked what my favorite movies are I said Die Hard and Empire. Guy interviewing me was stoked, also his two favorites.
On the way back I was so amped up I missed my turn and ended up driving around Hollywood for an extra 20 minutes. Passed Kat Von D's tattoo shop.
Alaskan Family Values
First full day here in Hollywoooooood. Kicked it off right by waking up with a champagne hangover due to night one celebrations. They sell beer and champagne in the apartment complex store where I live. Not really an apartment complex, more like a village. Lots of child actors live here as well, much to Joe Harris' chagrin. He hates the kids and likes to talk shit whenever we pass one, regardless if they're an actor or not.
Anyway, so we were hungover and needed food. Obviously In and Out Burger was the answer. Place is the fucking truth. A fast food place that only sells burgers and fries, can't go wrong.
Los Angeles is a fucking crazy place. Where I live right now is a crazy place. I'm no more then a five minute drive from the following: Universal Studios (the actual studios too, not just the theme park thing), Warner Brothers, NBC, and Vivid Entertainment. Have yet to see any famous people.
I live at the Oakwoods apartments in Burbank. Rick James died here. His ghost haunts our apartment.
I wish I could write coherently right now, but there is too much information for me to relay onto the blogoshpere. I'll have to spin most of these tales in person, 'round the 'ol bonfire.
It's going to suck having to come back to winter in New England. The weather here makes me angry because it doesn't get cold. Someone said I'll be wearing a winter coat by December. I said I left my winter coat in New Hampshire... you know... where it actually becomes winter.
Interview tomorrow at Jim Henson. My first foray into the world of entertainment. Yikes. Hollywood.
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