I was reading this morning in bed, with the windows and blinds open. Violin music, just loud enough to hear without staining begins leaking into my ears. Damian is definitely having a sweet sesh right now. So tight.
A new challenger is approaching! It's called the MBTA and it can lick my balls. I waited the other night for 45 fucking minutes for a god damn lechmere train. Seriously, 6 north station trains in a row? Fuck? I booed the T openly, strange looks from other waiters. Everyone was heated.
Such nice weather right now, seems to be the topic on every bloggers brain. I walked around town the other day. Hit up the BPL, snagged some tight screenplays. Will definitely make a return trip (kind of have to, it is the library).
Not much humor this time around. Can't be funny all the time. Enjoy this fine week end. Also, Iron Man next week, as well as FCBD. Nerds rejoice!